Be a Hero for Raven
Raven was found pregnant, weighing only 2.8kg which tiny for a six year old cat and she had the worst ulcers our vet has ever seen.
In order to save Raven and give her the help she desperately needed we had to terminate her early pregnancy as the medication she needed would have deformed her unborn kittens. Her fate as a street cat was certain death had she not been rescued...
Raven has been in care for almost a year now and we’ve done everything possible to improve her quality of life. She’s had countless variety’s of medication to help her but unfortunately she’s also FIV+ which means she has a compromised immune system. Raven being left on the street for so long untreated plus being FIV+ has meant she hasn’t responded to the medication like we had hoped.
The only option left for Raven to live a pain free life was total teeth extraction which is exactly what she had done today. We believe all lives matter and we go above and beyond for animals that have been forgotten about. Raven was one of the worst cases of neglect and she was recommended to be euthanized because her rehabilitation would be long term and she may never be a typical social cat but Raven's life matters to Raven so it matters to us too.
We've had Raven in care for over a year now, she's had blood work, months of steroids and total teeth removal. We've spent a whopping $3802 on Raven to fix this poor neglected soul but we adore her and we're hoping to find a sponsor that sees her potential like we do. For $20 a month you can sponsor this gorgeous diluted torti and help us continue to care for her.